
Editorial Emanation

DELAYS: Due to my having to go into the hospital on Jan. 21, and my spending every available minute dur- ing the last week in getting the Mirror, the Clipsheet AND this issue of TVia to the printer, I dropped way behind on the mail, so please bear with me. After I am home and convalescent I can set about putting things back together, but there are going to be complications for some. I hope you will understand.

II. THANKS TO SO MANY OF YOU: I hope you will all re- alize that personal acknowledgement of Xmas cards is just impossible, particularly at this time. So for- give me if I take this mass means to thanking all of you who sent cards to me, I appreciated the thoughts. III. CONTACT: It is necessary to remind some that letters to be forwarded must NOT be sent to Box 36091 but to the address given on the Person to Person page. Please also remember the unsealed but stamped envel- оре. The fee for such mailings is $1 for all please remember. Of course CONTACT members have paid in ad- vance with their Contact registration.

IV. FPE APPLICATIONS: I have several applications in file which have been accepted but who have not paid their fee so that I cannot put them on the active list. May I remind all present members that this is the first of the year again and '64 dues of $6 are in order. You will all receive a report of activities and expenses during the past year. This I will be working on during my convalescence.

V. FANTASIA: Several issues ago I mentioned the poss- ibility of getting some back issues of FANTASIA for those that were interested. Those that responded promptly got what they asked for, but since that time the supply has been exhausted, so dont write for more. I believe I have notified all those that had orders pending, Those that had paid have a credit coming on something else if they will let me know what they want.
